A series of children book illustrations depicting characters playing musical instruments atop animals of different species. The aim of the project is to raise awareness about wild life conservation, especially of species that are considered vulnerable, endangered and critically endangered.
Learning about extinction from an early age can encourage children to become more respectful of their environment and the planet as a whole. This knowledge multiplied can potential result in a generation of adults who have more awareness of the threats, and who potential will be more prolific in the conservation efforts.
Whether the children learn by themselves or with adults, the knowledge will spread and hopefully with their awareness, the care for the world will grow.
African Northern White Rhinoceros is one of the most critically endangered species in the world. Sudan, a 45 year old rhino died in captivity on 19th of March, 2018, was known to be to last male of his subspecies. He is survived by LAST TWO Northern White Rhinos that are remaining in the world. Najin and Fatu, both female.
A potential layout for the book. Pages would have an illustration and below or above the artwork would be a snippet about the animal. The information would include: the name, location, threats, conservation status, unique characteristics, scientific facts and general behavior pattern of the animal. It can include a location where the child can go and see the animal in the flesh.